Dave Grohl and Halloween

No relation. At least not within the context of this blog post.

Did you happen to see the home improvement video I posted last week?

If not, you missed my first DIY/home improvement pro tip on how to remodel a porch. It was epic.

It was fairly inexpensive and super easy:

Tee Hee


How’s THIS for a non-traditional autumn palette?

I absolutely love it.

Mix-Tape Must-Have

This is the Dave Grohl of porch remodel fame.

If you’re unfamiliar with Dave Grohl or The Foo Fighters or Nirvana.

Or if you are the kind of person who judges a book by its cover, you might not like the Everlong thumbnail above.

I get it. I don’t blame you.. But it’s an incredible song.

Bonus Video

Because Dave Grohl + Animal = Percussion perfection

Something Decadent

These are - hands down - the best brownies I have EVER made!

Although blondies might be more appropriate than brownies, although they would win in either/both category.

They’re super easy to make and there are only 7 ingredients.

Click HERE or on the image above for the recipe from Kirby’s Cravings.

Corny Joke

Dedicated to my husband.

And The Curse of Oak Island fans everywhere.

Wish List

My children are adults, and I don’t have grandchildren.

I’m not a kindergarten teacher; nor do I operate a preschool.

I’m not Danish. I haven’t mastered Hÿgge, although I’m big fan.

I live in a 100+ year-old house that already sports ONE rug that you’d never find in a traditional Victorian home.

But I NEED this bear rug.

Vintage Patterns

Introducing Vobachs Frauenzeitung. If you’re not familiar with Vobachs Frauenzeitung, you’re in for a visual treat.

Vobachs Frauenzeitung was a German fashion magazine. It doesn’t look like the patterns were included, so I assume the only way to get your hot little sewing hands on one of these glorious patterns was through mail order.

This particular Vobachs Frauenzeitung was published in 1934. Aren’t the illustrations amazing??!

I found this little gem while I was looking for vintage (Halloween) costume patterns. And there are - indeed - a few children’s costume ideas, such as cute Dutch girl and little sailor boy. So precious!

But we simply canNOT ignore the cover of this Vobachs Frauenzeitung.

That man is terrifying!

And I don’t think it’s a costume.

Despite the lovely fashions from Vobachs Frauenzeitung that suggest glamor, refined living, and gorgeous weddings, 1934 Germany is probably better represented by the ghoulish cover model with the baby.

That baby’s face says it all.

I speak exactly zero German, but I sure do like the way I pronounce Vobachs Frauenzeitung in my head. Which is why I dropped it in as much as possible!

Click HERE to see more Vobachs Frauenzeitung fashion magazines.

Surface Pattern

How bold! How novel!

How I wish I knew how / where to use it!


Hÿgge = cozy

There’s actually more to hÿgge than just cozy, and you can read all about the hÿgge phenomenon HERE and about its potential health benefits HERE.

Hÿgge makes me think of the following:

  • Spider plants

  • Cats

  • Knitting

  • Candles

Incidentally, none of those things figures prominently in my home (at this time - stand by).

But cozy? I def can do cozy.

A GIF that keeps on GIFing

‘Tis the season . . .

. . . for David S. Pumpkins!

If you don’t know about Tom Hanks’ SNL character David S. Pumpkins, you should google it. He’s stupid funny.

Any questions??


Throw-Back Halloween


Rosanna. Hunt’s. MIT.