Thank You

We live in a wonderful community!

We would like to thank everyone who stopped by the Mercantile this weekend to support the Logue family. One of the best things about moving back to town is being part of a caring community, and the kindness of neighbors was on full display.

I have a hang up (actually, I have several) about NOT quoting anything without knowing its source. Therefore, it was incumbent upon me to learn more about Anita Krizzan…

She is a Slovenian author. Based on what I found in the results of my handy-dandy google search, she is a write of highly quotable phrases.

Follow her on Facebook and Instagram ( I did!) and prepare to be inspired: @anita.krizzan

I’m so smitten with this week’s palette that I looked up the hex codes for each of the four colors using the best tool ever: Adobe Photoshop. From top to bottom:





Now I need to name the colors. I’d love to hear your suggestions! Please leave a comment if you come up with a good name/s.

In an (original) sentence: I often use sophistry to convince unsuspecting listeners that a word I’ve just invented is actually real. (You’ve been warned!).

This recipe just smacks of spring.

Asparagus? Hard-boiled egg? Bacon?? Sign me up!

Find the recipe on the Skinny Taste blog. This lady has a LOT of great recipes!

5. Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale

Price (when released in 1968): $17.9k

Current estimated value: $3.2M

# in existence: 18

4. Ferrari 330 P4

Price (when released in 1967): unknown

Current estimated value: unknown

# in existence: 3

3. Jaguar XJ220

Price (when released): $580k

Current estimated value: $208k

# in existence: 350

2. Bugatti Veyron SS

Price (when new): $2.7M

Current estimated value: fastest car currently in production (Top speed: 267.856 mph)

# in existence: 30

. The Batmobile

Cost when new: unknown

Current estimated value: unknown

# in existence: 1

IDK - I think the Jag is do-able for some people that are not me. It’s actually depreciating, so maybe when I’m 99 years-old, I’ll be able to afford one!

Fun Fact

It occurred to me this weekend that “Fun Fact” is synonymous with “Trivia,” but I’m a big fan of alliteration, so I’ve elected to keep “Fun Fact.” Trivia isn’t as sexy.

Canada’s national animal is the North American Beaver. (Ok. Makes sense)

Morocco’s national animal is the Barbary lion. (Good choice)

Sweden’s national animal is the Eurasian elk. (Of course. Sweden is well known for at least two things: IKEA and elk. Also blonde people)

And - as we all know - the bald eagle is the United States’s national animal (Oh heck yah!)

These are facts, but not THE fact…

Scotland’s national animal is the unicorn. (True story)

Legend has it (or at least Scottish legend has it) that only a king could hold a unicorn captive.

Because unicorns were said to be dangerous. (Probably in the same way that dolphins are dangerous. Beware the cuteness!)

To this legend’s point, I’m pretty sure that unicorn cake has a dangerous number of calories.

In the 15th century, that legend must have really resonated with King James II. He declared unicorns to be a symbol of purity and power for Scottish kings and nobility.

Eventually, the Scottish powers that be decided to make unicorns their national animal.

BBC travel is a great source for more info about unicorns. Or Scotland. Or Scottish unicorns.

Featured Product

Beginning this week, I will be featuring a product from the Mercantile in my Monday blog post. Our inaugural product feature is this brass horse.

I have no idea what breed of horse this is supposed to represent, but if I had only one adjective to describe it, I would say “angry.” Not angry as in “I’m gonna plant my hoof in your face,” but more like Angry Birds angry.

This angry horse is just begging to be a story prompt: Write a 2-page short story featuring this horse as the protagonist. You have 30 minutes. Begin.

You see where I’m going? This horse definitely has narrativity.

Dang - silk flowers have certainly evolved in the past 35 years!

Technically, this is a wedding bouquet. That said, these blooms/succulents would look fabulous anywhere, for any occasion (after being released from that confining ribbon and arranged in a lovely vase/container). Check out hollysflowershop on Etsy - she does beautiful work!

This segment has (inadvertently) become another installment in my campaign to reclaim peonies for non-wedding purposes.

Susan Driscoll - the artist behind this print - is one of my favorite graphic designers. I highly recommend you view her gallery on Instagram: #susandriscoll. You’ll get lost in her happy, bright patterns and prints!


A few observations from the video:

  1. The guy on keys’ pants are glorious.

  2. There seems to be a lot of overhead in this band. I count at least three vocalists without instruments. Not a tambourine in sight. No maracas. No juice harp.

  3. I try not to judge people on appearances, but the vocalist with the red shirt and the funky leather/bedazzled jacket scares me just a little.

BONUS: Tom Jones (Yes. THE Tom Jones) remade this song with Stereophonics a while ago. It’s fab. Check out the video here.

P.S. Tom Jones’s over-singing is unparalleled.

You will never convince me that this pattern isn’t based off of I Dream of Jeannie. So don’t even try.

This is a classic surface pattern design by Cath Kidston.

I love Cath Kidston in much the same way that I love vintage patterns. Which is to say that I’m obsessed with every pattern that comes out of her design studio.

You can see more of her work here.

It’s delightful.

It’s addicting.

You will want to hose your home down with Cath Kidston prints.


For the Love of Love


February 25