Throw-Back Halloween

If you were sentient in the 1980s, you should enjoy this post.

A (somewhat) Spooky Palette

Image licensed from

That would be some seriously impressive quilling . . .

If it weren’t for the fact that this is generative AI.

Vintage Pattern

Simplicity S158, 1952

We FINALLY know the pattern number for the bunny PJs Ralphie’s aunt gave him for Christmas in A Christmas Story.

It never gets old

Corny Joke

Bwah. Hahahahahahahha!

Mix-Tape Must-Have

This is a seriously cool video.

Pumpkin Spice Puppy Chow

Image downloaded from

This snack mix is super yummy.

If you’re one of the weirdos that don’t like candy pumpkins / corn, you can (obviously) omit them.

But that’s like omitting joy.

You can find the recipe HERE.

As with any puppy chow recipe, it’s not so much an actual recipe as it is a list of ingredients.

Random AI Collage

Image licensed from

This is somehow simultaneously lovely and terrifying.

Because Halloween . . .

Michael Jackson controversy aside, Thriller is STILL one of the best videos ever made.

It’s got a killer beat, dancing zombies, and Vincent Price.

The GIF that keeps on GIFing


Banana Phone


Dave Grohl and Halloween