Ice Flowers
Not to be confused with icy flowers
You know how sometimes on a frosty morning you notice that the ice on your windshield is unusually pretty? Well, those beautiful patterns are called ice flowers. Or ferns. Or trees.
Word: Ice Flowers
Ice flowers / ferns / trees are fascinating!
Sadly - depending on your perspective - ice flowers are almost extinct thanks to double-paned windows.
Read more about ice flowers HERE.
DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way intended to be anti-double-paned windows. At all. In fact, I highly recommend them.
Palette I
These are icy flowers.
Isn’t that a lovely pic??!
Palette II
And these are ice flowers, which most people would just call frost.
But frost shows a complete lack of imagination.
So I’m going with ice flowers!
Vintage Pattern
Beyers Modenblatt No. 18 Vol. 14; 1935 (December 1935)
I’m OBSESSED with these 1930s German patterns!
They are ominously jaunty.
Check out her happy fez.
Gratituous Ice Flower Photo I
Here we see the elusive ice fern in its natural environment.
Tee Hee
I’ll just leave this here for you to enjoy.
Gratituous Ice Flower Photo II
Can’t stop. Won’t stop.
A GIF that keeps on GIFing
This woman’s level of enthusiasm for cooking is highly relatable.
Mix-Tape Must-Have
If you thought this week’s GIF would initiate a DEVO song for my Mix-Tape Must-Have segment, you were correct.
But if you thought I would use something as pedestrian as Whip It, you were sadly mistaken.
Gratituous Ice Flower Photo III
More icy eye candy.
Digital Illustration
And I thought I lived on a steep hill! At least these unfortunate homeowners don’t have cars. The way down would definitely be more treacherous than Broad Street.
Please note that I did NOT create this whimsical winter landscape illustration.
Digital illustration (or regular illustration, for that matter) is not a skill set that I possess.