Protea Protata

It makes more sense if you say it out loud. I promise.

Presenting Proteas

Proteas hit my radar a year or so ago as I was scrolling through my favorite image resource sites.

I was immediately smitten!

They are HUGE.

They are RARE (At least they are here in the USA..

They are GLORIOUS!

What’s not to love?

The blog post is not merely an opportunity for me to rhapsodize over Proteas. It is also educational, as I will sprinkle fun facts about Proteas throughout the content.

Aren’t you excited?

Gratuitous Protea Image I

This image is nothing more than an excuse to use a gorgeous Protea image.

Hooray for eye candy!

FACT: Proteas are one of the oldest flowers on the planet - roughly 300 million year old!

Surface Pattern

The name “Protea” was derived from ‘Proteus’ the son of Poseidon in Greek mythology.

Protea Illustration

Protea are native to Africa, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Sadly, they are NOT native to Pennsylvania.


Gratuitous Protea Image II

Ok. Here’s a super cool fact about King Proteas:

King Proteas can live up to 15 years in the wild!

Which is (wait for it . . . )

Pretty wild!

Gratuitous Protea Image III

The Protea is an incredibly hardy plant and can survive a wildfire!


While they are obviously nice to look at, Proteas are not good to eat!

Ooh! Aah! Proteas with a Romantic Photo Filter!

Image from

As with just about everything that occurs in nature, proteas are said to possess symbolic meaning, such as the following:

Proteas are a mark of courage.

Proteas represent transformation.

Having proteas in your home during tough times is said to provide strength in challenging times.

We at Cameron County Mercantile have no experience with the the metaphysical properties of things and; therefore, cannot speak to the aforementioned properties of Proteas.

It’s just kinda interesting.

Mix-Tape Must Have

I love EDM.

Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows I love EDM. (Just not live EDM at my hotel . . . )

This version of The Sound of Silence by Cyril was a remix of the Disturbed cover of the classic Simon & Garfunkel song by the same name.

Now - it is not uncommon in EDM for a good singer to sing vocals originally performed by a great singer (I.E. Freemasons feat. Bailey Tzuke covering Alanis Morissette’s Uninvited). And you can usually tell the difference.

BUT when I heard David Draimen singing The Sound of Silence in this remix, it didn’t sound like some random person singing. It was sooo good.

So - just for fun - here’s the breakdown from remix to the original. Enjoy!

Gratuitous Protea Image IV

There are 850 species of Protea, the largest of which is the King Protea, which can grow to over 350 feet tall!


Avocados. Because I could not find any jokes about proteas.

And avocados are objectively awesome.


So this may not be the type of GIF that is seared into your brain for eternity.

Or a even A”GIF that keeps on GIFfing”.

It does - however - provide me with an opportunity to present another fun protea fact:

Proteas attract hummingbirds like nobody’s business!

No, this is not a protea. Nor is that a real hummingbird.

It was just kinda goofy. And anything goofy fits squarely in my wheelhouse.




Vintage Pyrex