Rosanna. Hunt’s. MIT.
Being 2nd isn’t always awful.
What do a song by Toto (the band, not the dog in The Wizard of Oz), ketchup, and Massachusetts have in common?
Honestly, not a whole lot.
Other than their shared #2 rankings on separate lists. Some more official than others.
Actually, listening to the dog Toto try to sing Rosanna would be pretty dang funny!
Mix-Tape Must-Have
First up: Rosanna - Toto’s 2nd most famous song.
Not everyone will agree with me that Africa is clearly the best song in Toto’s discography.
Maybe your name is Rosanna.
Or you know someone named Rosanna.
Or have fond memories of someone named Rosanna.
Or you are Rosanna Arquette’s biggest fan.
Or you might really like Hold the Line, which is an objectively good song.
Can we at least agree that Rosanna (and Hold the Line) don’t get the credit they so richly deserve? They’re certainly not Africa, but they’re still good.
NOTE: Rosanna’s #2 status is NOT a statement of fact; it’s my highly subjective opinion.
Hunt’s: Ketchup in a can
Ok, folks! On the count of three, everyone yell out the best ketchup in the U.S. (and possibly the world):
1 . . . 2 . . . 3:
Heinz’s ketchup superiority needs no Google search. It’s just a fact. And not just here in Pennsylvania.
Honestly, I didn’t realize other companies were even trying. But then - when I need ketchup - I scan the shelf for the Heinz logo. Full stop.
But there are others! Like Hunt’s - a company known for it’s tomato-based products. Hunt’s tomato ketchup is the 2nd best ketchup in the nation.
In taste and popularity.
It’s still good ketchup, even if it’s not Heinz. And despite that it’s most commonly found in a can at stores specializing in bulk products (Sam’s, Costs, etc.).
I think. Ketchup is one product that I’m pretty brand-specific about.
Like Kraft macaroni and cheese. (Sorry Velveeeta)
The GIF that keeps on GIFing
There’s just one notorious problem with Heinz ketchup.
Which would definitely be solved if it came in a 7 lb can.
Bespoke is everywhere.
Even the Barbie movie. Which I’ve already purchased.
MIT: The 2nd best collage in the United States
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
#2? Yah, ok. Whatever.
Having worked at The University of Texas at Dallas, I can tell you that college ranking are VERY important.
Critically important.
There are two major college rankings lists: The Princeton Review and US News & World Report.
The Princeton Review ranks schools according to different categories, such as Best Value, Demographics, Quality of Life, etc. I’ve yet to see an overall category.
US News & World Report provides a basic ranking. According to them, the #2 college in the nation is MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
The #1 university - again according to US News & World Report - is Princeton.
You’re still gonna get a decent education at MIT.
Read more about US News & World Report’s 2024 college rankings HERE.
And learn more about The Princeton Review’s 2024 college rankings HERE.
I’m smitten with both the palette AND the crochet!
Random Recipe Recommendation
How about that alliteration?
In all honesty, this simple little meal is nothing more than a list.
You can find the original “recipe” HERE.
But if you’re a rebel, here’s the list:
*Your preferred cornbread mix made according to the manufacturer’s instructions and cooked in a waffle maker
Canned chili, heated (or cold if that’s the way you wanna be) and poured on top of the waffles mentioned above
Shredded cheese, sour cream, shredduce, tomatoes - or whatever else you have on hand that seems to work with chili and/or cornbread - dumped on top of the chili layer
That’s it. 10 minutes MAX.
I have one recommendation as evidenced by the asterisk preceding the cornbread: if at ALL possible, use Krusteaz cornbread mix. It’s the tastiest cornbread you will ever find in a box. It’s available at Walmart HERE.
If you’re looking for a way to use up your 7 lb can of ketchup, you might want to find a different recipe/list!