Merry Christmas, Emporium!

I’ve been waiting months to use my favorite Christmas quote in a blog post, so here goes: “Merry Christmas, Emporium!” Full credit to Jimmy Stewart in It’s a Wonderful Life (Frank Capra, 1946).

And - having used it twice already - I can retire it until next year.

Calendar of Random Holidays

Fave Christmas Movies

Ok. You need to suspend your disbelief for a minute..

If you happened to be stranded on a deserted island (That mysteriously has electricity, WIFI, TV, etc. Remember, you’re suspending your disbelief.) this Friday - Christmas Movie Marathon Day - and could only choose four Christmas movies for your marathon, what would you choose? (Dang! That’s a long sentence, even for me.)

Here are my four in random order:

  • Die Hard

  • It’s a Wonderful Life (See quote above.)

  • The Bells of Saint Mary’s

  • The original Miracle on 34th Street

If you’re in a participatory mood, add a comment with YOUR fave Christmas movie/s. Rotten Tomatoes has a list of the 100 best Christmas movies of all time HERE. It’s a fun read, even if you don’t read about all 100 (I did not)!

A Christmas Quote

I highly recommend that you integrate this phrase into every possible conversation you have this week.


Because it’s objectively funny/annoying - a verbal gift to everyone you encounter!

1946 Movie Poster


Photo by Insung Yoon at Unsplash

I’m obsessed with this Christmas palette. It has officially supplanted the mint green/dusty rose palette as my favorite.

Until next year…

Mix-Tape Must-Have

Brazilian Sleigh Bells is on of a few holiday songs I can play on a loop for hours without getting tired of it.

Corny Christmas Joke


For the Love of Christmas

