Drinkin’ the Kool-Aid
A flashback to summers long ago . . .
You can download this fab photo of the Kool-Aid guy HERE (it’s free!).
Say YES to Nostalgia!
One upon a time - before smoothies and water flavor packets and 47 Gatorade options - there was Kool-Aid.
NO nutritional value. Just a darling envelope (maybe) halfway full of powdered dye and some kind of powdered flavoring.
There were (not) so many flavors to choose from: grape, cherry, orange, lemon lime, something red-flavored that was supposed to taste like the elusive “berry”!
Just add water. And a pound of sugar.
The GIF that keeps on GIFing
This is easily (and highly subjectively) the best GIF ever!
If you are a moderate to huge Kool-Aid fan and agree that this GIF is magical, you can download it HERE.
Four Fun Facts About Kool-Aid
Illustration: Karl Gustafson, from the takeout.com
Kool-Ade debuted in 1927
In 1934, the spelling changed from “Kool-Ade” to “Kool-Aid”
People actually collect unopened packets of Kool-Aid
A sealed packet of led $400 for a still- sealed case of Pink Swimmingo packets
Read more about Kool-Aid packet collecting HERE.
Goofy (Anti) Joke
Image from dessertsonadime.com
Believe it or not, you can do more with Kool-Aid than drink it or use it to make play-doh.
Once upon a time (yet again), my cousin somehow found a recipe for Kool-Aid popcorn. And it was glorious!
I’m not sure if THIS Kool-Aid popcorn is THE Kool-Aid popcorn . . .
Weekly Art
There are only so many pics of the Kool-Aid man. And every one of them looks the same.
These handsome fellas are (fairly obviously) in NO WAY related to Kool-Aid.
But aren’t they fabulous?
They were created by French artist Charles Martin (1884–1934). Read more about the artist HERE.
(According to urbandictionary.com)
Thank you - urbandictionary.com - for helping old folks like me communicate with those crazy kids out there.
Although this particular Urban Dictionary entry isn’t particularly hard to understand. Read THIS definition if you want to fee super hip. Or old.
All that aside - I HIGHLY recommend that you check any unfamiliar phrases at urbandictionary.com. It will absolutely save you embarrassment (with certain demographics!). And maybe help you in the self-checkout at Walmart.