Why Dontcha Just Go Fly a Kite?

Just PLEASE stay away from power lines.

Image downloaded from rawpixel.com

If I had to choose a single outdoor activity that deserves a renaissance, it would be kite flying.

Why, you ask? It’s a simple - often lovely - activity. It’s super STEM-y. And that’s never a bad thing.

If piloting a kite was good enough for polymath Benjamin Franklin, it’s good enough for all of us! Right?

Not that I’m really one to talk.

I can’t think of a time that I‘ve actually flown a kite, although I have purchased them for my children.

So I guess the bottom line here is that SOMEONE (not me) should make kiting cool again.

Etymology of Kite

At this point in this kite post, I feel obligated to mention that a kite is also a bird.

Based on the image below, kites are angry birds.

Image from rawpixel.com

Corny Joke

THE Kite Song

There’s no friggin’ way there’s a better kite song out there.

C’mon - prove me wrong!

Not quite mix-tape must-have worthy, but delightful nonetheless!


I KNOW that polymath and Renaissance woman/man are different, they’re also kinda similar, right?

Fun Fact

Not kiters

Not kitees

Not kiteans

Not kiteaniacs (which is a HUGE miss)


Image from unsplash.com

The palette is fine, but the IMAGE is amazing!

Vintage Illustration

Illustration by Albert Robida, 1883

Isn’t this illustration from a French children’s book fantastic?!!

It’s SO fantastic that you almost don’t even notice the kite.

Mix-Tape Must-Have

Halsey + BTS??

Heck yes!

No - this has exactly ZERO things to do with kites.

Kites: A PSA

(1964) vintage poster by Hughes Aircraft Company. Original public domain image from the Library of Congress.

This is darn good advice!

Kiting: A Brief History

I’m so ashamed that I can’t remember where I found this image!

UPDATE: This illustration comes from pexels.com.

If you want to know more about kites (more than can be learned from a 3-minute clip from Mary Poppins), visit THIS link.

And no - this section was really nothing more than an excuse to add another kite illustration.

Even though the kite isn’t actually IN the illustration.

The GIF that keeps on GIFing


No need to go outside to fly a kite.


The Big Wheel


Drinkin’ the Kool-Aid