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Because themes are for nerds. And English class.

I tried. Truly.

But establishing themes for blog posts (and sticking to them) sucks the joy right out of the process.

Autumn Décor

Image licensed from Adobe Stock Photos


Do people decorate their kitchens for autumn, or is this just an attempt to shame those of us who do NOT?

Which would be me.

Image licensed from Adobe Stock Photos

Now this is a little more understandable.

If a bit excessive.

Vintage Autumn Advertisement

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I LOVE this ad. I also LOVE the font.

That said, what do a little girl wearing fishnet gloves and chickens have to do with “Autumn Fashions, Fall Importations, Latest Novelties”?

I guess maybe Frear’s peddles children’s clothing and chickens.

ONLY children’s clothing and chickens.

Mix-Tape Must-Have

Here’s a toe tapper for your listening pleasure: Sometimes by Shermanology.

It’s nearly impossible not to dance to.

Fun Fact

Image licensed from Adobe Stock Photos

Onions are one of the world’s most ancient vegetables.

Bronze age archaeological sites in Asia have revealed traces of onion cultivation alongside figs and dates.

Vintage Pattern

I absolutely canNOT imagine sewing a winter coat.

Let alone one with a (faux, hopefully) fur collar.


Image licensed from Adobe Stock Photos

Let’s kick off September with a non-traditional color scheme!

Although - looking at it - the pink is the only non-traditional color.

Featured Product

This week’s featured product is this adorable condiment set by Maruhon Ware. Not only do you get tomato salt and pepper shakers, there’s also a mustard bowl - also tomato-shaped!

For something made 70+ years ago, it’s in darn good shape.

And did I mention how adorable it is?

Click on the image above to learn more.

Corny Joke

The GIF that keeps on GIFing

Here’s hoping that today is the last day of oppressive heat.


Some September Stuff


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year