Name Him Carl
For all the Carls out there.
Image from my private collection
Inspiration surrounds us.
And by us I mean me. (I probably shouldn’t transpose my endless fascination with random weird stuff on everyone.)
This week’s blog post is inspired by THIS vintage baby card, which I bought at an antique store in State College. I bought it for one reason: that’s the ugliest baby illustration I’ve ever seen.
The baby himself seems aware of the depth of his unattractive rendering. Just look at his expression! Or maybe he’s not a fan of the name Carl. Or he’s (understandably) unhappy to be stuck in a head of cabbage/lettuce.
It was only AFTER I bought the card that I realized that this might just be the first Cabbage Patch Kid (Or is that lettuce?).
But the BEST part is hand-written at the bottom in pencil: “Name him Carl.”
That baby looks like Vladimir Putin.
You know he does.
An All-American Carl
Let’s talk about the weather.
Rather, let’s talk about WeatherS, Carl Weathers.
Yes. Mr. Weathers will always be remembered as Apollo Creed. But he’s got plenty of other great roles under his belt (see what I did there?).
Like Chubbs Peterson.
If you’ve never heard of Chubbs Peterson, you’re in for a real treat. And if you’ve never heard of Happy Gilmore, I REALLY wish I could watch YOU watch the scene with Bob Barker and the celebrity golf tournament.
Carl Weathers and Adam Sandler, Happy Gilmore
A Cringey Carl Joke
Even I cringed at this one.
But it was truly the best/worst I could do..
Mix-Tape Must-Have
It wasn’t easy find a musical Carl.
Until Google reminded me about Carl Wilson!
I maybe should have used Carly Simon.
Bonus (Random) Video!
Ok. Apologies if you were expecting a Carly Simon video.
This is totally unrelated to my blog topic, but too funny NOT to use.
The Legend of Carl Switzer
You know how there are always rumors about celebrity deaths? Like Mikey from the Life commercials who was though to have died in a tragic Pop Rocks accident…
Once upon a time there was a rumor that Carl Spitzer had been murdered. But unlike Pop Rocks Mikey, this story was true. Check it out HERE.
Well said, Carl Sagan, well said!